Gateball in South Australia

Despite the Covid 19 restrictions, Gateball in South Australia is almost back in full swing.

Hyde Park have been playing on Wednesday afternoons for some weeks now with up to 8 players enjoying each session, with another new player interested in joining the fun soon.

A big thank you to Hyde Park for spreading the word, and increasing the numbers playing Gateball in Adelaide.

Not to be outdone, Mount Gambier are also powering ahead with 6 players regularly attending their Monday morning sessions – well done Leah and Robert for your enthusiastic encouragement of your new players.

Rather embarrassingly, Woodville has only managed one two sessions since June 2020 with 3 attendees, but we hope to hold more Sunday afternoon sessions now that the weather is improving.

Geoff Crook
Woodville CC

Peter at Hyde Park practising social distancing on the Gateball court

3 thoughts on “Gateball in South Australia

  1. Hi Geoff. Sent a previous email Re attending on a Sunday am, However re read info’ and is played at Woodville on a Sunday pm. Please would you give me a time for a Sunday pm a and an address. Thank you Aysha.

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