Below is Gateball Australia’s authorised list of Referees in Australia. If there are any errors please contact your relevant state personnel. State Coordinators or State Coordinators of Refereeing should ensure that the NCGB is provided with information to update this list.
Referees become “inactive ” if they have not completed reaccreditation processes. Contact your relevant state personnel if you wish to become active again.
National Coordinator of Gateball: Ros Crowe –
QLD – State Coordinator: Robert Roose
International: Bruce McAlister and Glenda Windust.
Level 2: Barbara Northcott, Robert Roose and Julia Tai.
Level 1: Robyn Barlow, Margaret Bevan, Robyn Brown, Fran Buckle, Warren Dowse, Eunice Frater, Kathie Grant, Jill Gwynne, Kathleen Hayes, Cheryl Kele, Chris Kele, Karren Kimpton, Kerry Lamerton, Emma Mauceri, Brian Mullins, Donna Nicholson, Trevor Norman, Darrell Porter, Sandra Reynolds, Christine Roose, Philip Rowland, Judy Stringer, Dianne Sweet, Peter Sweet, Julia Vickers and Howard Williams.
Referees in training: Mark Aiau, Crystal Carling, John Dargel, Lynda Davis, Elizabeth Dolphin, Sandra Gesler, Kerry Helmrich, Toni Sheedy and Kaelan Sweatman.
Inactive: Margaret Barnard,Herman Bekker, Lyn Christiansen,Carol Clayton, Margaret Dickenson, Lynne Farry, Keith McLeod, Beryl Turner and John Turner.
VIC – State Coordinator: Philip Brown
Level 2: Philip Brown
Level 1: Cheryl O’Dwyer, Maxine Maclachlan, David Pryor and Tim Stagg.
Referees in training:
Inactive: Chris Langford.
NSW & ACT- State Coordinator: Petula Shun
International: Gilon Smith
Level 2: Ros Crowe, Manuel Gutierrez, John Park, Petula Shun and Glen Whitehead.
Level 1: Jennie Brentnall, Helen Chalmers, Maddison Crowe, Marion Davies, Peter Freer, Alan Gray, Margaret Gray, Glenda Gutierrez, Robyn Hayes, Bev Mersmann, Ruth Mulvaney, Penny Park, Ralph Richardson, Judy Squelch, Judy Tier and Peter Wood.
Referees in training: Angela Bagg, Ray Chapman, Peter Dale, Margo Davies, Lorraine Hatfield, Kathie Maloney, Kevin Maloney, Craig Oxley, Julia Rizzo, Lynne Thomas and Lynda Toms.
Inactive: Adrienne Fazekas and Robyn Irwin
South Australia – State Coordinator: Geoff Crook
Level 2: Geoff Crook
Level 1: Barry Jennings, Peter Woodward
Referees in training:
Western Australia – State Coordinator: Megan Fardon
Level 2: Keith Chur-Hansen
Level 1: Geoff Morris
Referees in Training: Alan James, Susan Scott
No qualified referees