Gateball Australia is pleased to announce that the ACA Board has selected Ros Crowe as its next National Coordinator of Gateball.
Ros started playing in 2016 with Redcliffe and was part of their team for the 2018 World Gateball Championships in Brazil. In 2018, she was President of the newly formed Deception Bay Gateball Club (now Moreton Bay Gateball Club).
She joined Pine Rivers Croquet Club in 2019 to introduce Gateball and played in the Jinxi Cup in China that year with players from South Australia and Pine Rivers. When she retired in 2020, she moved to her local club, Eildon, and currently represents them and Gateball at the Brisbane North Region Sub-committee.
She is a Level 2 Gateball coach, a Level 1 Gateball referee and has been learning Golf Croquet. She recently managed the Gateball CAQ Centenary Pennants and really loved the challenge of developing and introducing the new format.
She tells us that Gateball has provided awesome opportunities to meet fantastic people and to travel locally, interstate and internationally. In her new role, she looks forward to meeting more players and continuing to grow the Gateball community.
Before signing off, retiring National Coordinator, John Park, stated that he would like to acknowledge the growing recognition and engagement by the ACA with Gateball. When he first became NCGB, ACA Board contacts were Croquet players who, at best, tried to listen. His three recent contacts on the Board have been GB players who have understood the issues and made sure that Gateball’s voice has been heard. Thanks Graeme Thomas, Jeff Crook and Barbara Northcott. Current ACA President, Jim Nichols, also deserves thanks. He has not only attended the 2019 and 2022 Australian Championships but has played in those events as well! His game of choice is AC, but like over two thirds of Gateballers, he enjoys playing other codes too.
We look forward to a bright future for Gateball being led by a competent younger woman within a mutually supportive mallet sports community!
Well done Ros, I am sure you will do a fantastic job.
Rob & Chris
Congratulations Ros and a huge thank you to retiring National Director John Park for his immense contribution to the sport over his tenure.
A great choice
Congratulations Ros, and a big thank you John for your contribution to Gateball and Lithgow in particular.
Congratulations Roz . Dad and Mum would be so pleased for you . They always commented on your achievements in the gateball world
Hope to catch up soon Janelle
congratulations Ros on your appointment.
John Park has done a wonderful job as National Director. He was a wonderful help when we went overseas to play in the World Championships.
Sandra and Paul Reynolds
Congrats Ros and Enjoy yourself John
It was very uplifting news to read that the NCGB baton passes on, from one dedicated, committed person, to another whom I consider worthy to be chosen for the role. Congratulations Ros. You have my support. It must be great for John too, to know that you will look after the interest of our game, both here in Australia and in the International context.
And, to John I say-enjoy the extra space in your life, Thank you for the support you continually gave us, including the educational opportunities, which helped us, to advance GB at Strathfield.
Thank you everyone for your warm wishes. I would also like to thank John for all his hard work and for the support he is providing in the transition phase and no doubt will continue to provide to the Gateball community. A special note of thanks to Penny too for the support she has always provided behind the scenes.
Congratulations to Ros, and Tributes and hats off to John Park for his great services for Gateball development…