At the recent Caloundra Gateball Teams competition, there were several players who travelled all the way from Rockhampton as they so often do. What is remarkable is that Jessie Lauga was due to celebrate her 90th birthday a few days later. Fittingly, there was a birthday cake, candles and singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ arranged by Caloundra officials.
This will be the last time that Jess will travel to compete. She will continue to play in Rockhampton and if her form is any guide, she will be a player to watch and admire.
Following the teams competition, Jess teamed with her friend from Rockhampton, Margaret Gall who is a youngster in her mid 80s. What a treat to watch them because they were so accurate. Able to pass through Gate 1 and then Gate 2, they showed up many of their doubles opponents. Touching any opponents ball left in the centre of the court, they were able to achieve some good scores. Jess and Margaret won everyone’s admiration for their stroking skills and gate-running abilities.
It was so lovely to see Jesse again and they really are a credit to Rocky, her and Margaret.It will be sad that she won’t be able to come back to Caloundra, because we will miss her
What a wonderful pair of ladies. I think Jess can coach me not me coach her.
Great ingtihs! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.
Hats off to the Rechin’ Ball. I’m happy to eat my words when I was critical of his play earlier. He found his legs and was huge in games 6 & 7. Claude sticking with his veterans sure paid off!
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great inotrmafion.