Mallet Sports on the Broadwater 2014

Southport Croquet Club hosted the annual Mallet Sports on the Broadwater during the first week of the school holidays. The weather was fine but with some cool winds on the two of the days. It was a good competition for all of the teams and close games. For the first time since its inception in 2007, a delighted team from Southport came first to clinch the trophy. Ipswich was second and Eildon was third.

Following on from the Team events, there was a Gateball Doubles competition at Southport. The wide age range of participants was evident and it is to be applauded as an example of a sport being pleasurable for younger players in the company of  the more mature players. It was a busy day and a half of competition. The winning team from Southport- Lee Wentworth and his son Christopher-  lost just one game. Congratulations! Second was young Myra Bohmer along with her coach, Geoff Morris from Eildon Club. Third place went to Gaye Pitman and Barbara Northcott from Southport. Each of the photos shows Lesley Shepherd who is from Select World Travel and Cruises -the company that is a sponsor of  Southport Croquet Club.

Eildon, 3rd in Team Event Ipswich, 2nd in Team Event Southport Gateball Team 1st MSOB, 2014 2


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Second in Doubles Winner of Doubles Event

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