Thanks to Philip Brown from the Kew Croquet Club who created the puzzle which was used as the basis for the tactics session at the 2017 Australian Gateball Championship.
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Gateball Puzzle #5: Order in the House!
The score is 10-9 with 15:00 remaining in the match.
Ball 2 has just made Gate 3. What should it do next?
Now change teams. What should Red do with Ball 3?
Previous gateball puzzles are available at the links below:
Gateball puzzle #1
Gateball puzzle #2 – difficult
Gateball puzzle #3
Gateball puzzle #4
Gateball puzzle #1 also included information on the format of the puzzle and outlined how you can submit your own puzzle.
2 Touches 4, sends it to 6, then goes back to guard Gate 3
Red then plays 3, touches 1, sends it to Ball 2, and joins up with 1
2 touches 4, sends it to 6 and follows to be in easy reach of 4. Red 3 slides off 1 toward 7 & 8. Attempts to spark 1 through Gate 2, touches 7 and sparks it to near goal pole, touches 8 and tries to bombard 6/4 and then finishes nearest the closest sideline.