Entries for the Australian Gateball Championships, 1st to 3rd April 2022, are invited from Australian and any overseas teams that can visit Australia. The deadline for entries will be COB on Monday 14th March. Entering team information before the deadline will assist with administration for the event. Download an entry form here
As well as the regular Teams Championship, an Inaugural Open Doubles Championship will be held. Teams that enter the main teams event may nominate one pair for the doubles. If more than one pair wish to nominate, the club team submitting the entry should hold a play off to determine which pair will be nominated. Wildcard entries may also be proposed and additional pairs may be included in the event. Teams and doubles pairs need to include either a referee or referee in training. The entry form and detailed conditions of entry for the doubles and teams event are posted on the ACA website at this location. Payment by credit card is required once all information has been submitted. If you are not ready to complete the form until closer to the deadline, please email info@gateball.com.au to let us know you intend to enter a team.
Emergency Contact information for team members. Team captains need to collect this information for their team and keep it with them at the event. The entry form also asks players with First Aid qualifications to be listed
Games will be played on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday’s program will also include an opening ceremony, BBQ, practise sessions, friendly team games and coaching/refereeing workshops.
Future International Representation. Players also need to note that anyone interested in representing Australia in 2022/3 at World Gateball Union, Asian Gateball Union or Asia Pacific GU events should indicate their interest on their entry forms. Final selections will be made when Australia is asked to nominate teams. The Captains of the 3 best performing clubs will be core members of the GA Selection Committee and will select from nominating players to build a team in a club’s name. The committee is obliged to produce the strongest teams possible to represent Australia. Check ACA Selection Committee Terms of Reference and ACA Selection Policy for details.
Anyone wishing to join a composite team to participate in the event should email info@gateball.com.au if they have not been able to build a team from their own contacts
Balls for sale! 8 sets of new balls with three numbers will be used. They will be offered for sale after the event for $140. The sale of these balls will be handled by Gateball Solutions. Any club represented at the event may offer to purchase a set. Please email gateballsolutions@gmail.com if your club is interested in purchasing a set. If more clubs nominate to buy these balls than there are sets to sell, names will be drawn at random.
Please post any general questions below or email info@gateball.com.au if they are more specific.
very good