These annual Gateball competitions were held at Southport Croquet Club from Saturday 25th to Monday 27th June, 2022. Six courts were laid out.
First of all was the Gateball Teams event with nine teams competing of which quite a few were composite teams. This is good because it allows people to participate even if there is not a full quota of players from their own Club. Three very keen players from Canberra (Margo and Andrew Davies plus Peter Wood) played with two players from Bribie Island. Joining two players from Moreton Bay were three of our regular participants from Rockhampton (Cheryl, Steve and Chris Kele).
So, if enthusiasm to travel to compete is a prerequisite for success, it is no coincidence that these composite teams played very well and ended up as place getters. The team games were played all day Saturday and on Sunday morning. The winning team was Southport Red who went through the 8 rounds undefeated. Congratulations indeed to this very good but new combination- three of the usual members were unavailable for this weekend. L-R Peter Sweet, Kathie Grant, Gaye Pitman, Lee Wentworth (C.). Yoko from the Sponsor -Vision Michelle Hare Eyecare Plus Optometrists , Amanda Wentworth and Julia Tai
Second place was taken by the team “Those Guys” which included the Kele Family, Emma Mauceri and Kaelan Sweetman.
Third place went to the Bribie Mixers which had two from Bribie Island Club- Sam Morris and Keith Chur- Hansen- and the three mentioned who were from Canberra- Margo and Andrew Davies and Peter Wood.
The presentation was made by Yoko who represented the Sponsors of the event- VISION Michael Hare Eyecare Plus Optometrists. The competition was a very friendly and smoothly-run event with everyone enjoying the warm, calm winter weather.
Doubles Competition
There were fifteen teams that were able to participate in this year’s Gateball Doubles in the MSOB event. Two Blocks were allocated to the entries. It began after midday on the Saturday and it was completed on Sunday afternoon. Thanks to all of the people not participating but who stayed to assist in the various tasks that are needed like attending the scoreboard, or being the recorder.
The winner of Block A was the “The Two P’s” ( Peter Wood and Peter Sweet) and in second place was “The Kele Crew” ( Steve and Chris Kele). The winner of Block B was “Brains and The Brawn” ( Cheryl Kele and Kaelan Sweetman) while the runners up were “The Maroons” ( Kathie Grant and Barbara Northcott).
After the semi final games concluded, the winners were the teams who came second in their Block- The Kele Crew and The Maroons.
The Grand Final was quite a see-sawing game with neither team assured of the win. However, The Maroons team was victorious scoring 14 points to 11 points for The Kele Crew. “It was an exciting game”, many spectators said.
The presentation was made by Keith McLeod who has been the most influential person in developing the sport of Gateball since its introduction to Australia in the 1980’s. Third place went to The Two P’s.