Mallet sports in SA – A different view
Ricochet & Gateball played at Hutt Road ( HQ for, SA Croquet, on the Queen’s Birthday Holiday
The Queen’s birthday public holiday Monday provided an opportunity for 35 intrepid croquet players to try a new mallet sport – Gateball or Ricochet …. or both. [Ed: Members not from SA may not realise that these two sports are not regularly played in SA.]
The groups were almost evenly split across codes with 17 people trying Gateball and 18 giving Ricochet a go. There were slightly more in the morning perhaps wanting to get in before the bad weather arrived. The bad weather didn’t arrive, fortunately.
After an initial introduction to the rules, everyone was invited to play a game (or in the case of Gateball 4 games!) [Ricochet is similar to AC in game duration while Gateball games stop after 30 minutes.]
Ricochet players were expertly coached by Eileen Ferguson and Jim Grindrod, with Gateball being overseen by Geoff Crook and Barry Haydon on one court and Peter Martyniuk and Peter Woodward on the second court.
All participants were enthusiastic and despite the threat of rain, all sessions were conducted without wet weather gear, and everyone reported enjoying the fun sessions and all claimed they had learnt something during the session.
A big thank you to Karen Magee for organizing the event and to each of the coaches who gave their time to introduce Ricochet and Gateball to new players.
If you missed out, wish to know more about these intriguing games, or are visiting SA then you can play Ricochet at Brighton on Monday mornings or Aldinga on Saturdays at 1.30pm. Gateball is played at Hyde Park on Wednesday afternoons, Woodville on Tuesday nights & Mount Gambier on Mondays. Coaching can be provided if required. Please contact the clubs directly.
Written by Karen Magee / Geoff Crook / Barry Haydon
( Postscript: Gateball has been growing in SA since 2016
After Covid postponed their State Championships twice in 2020, they would welcome visitors for their 5th event from the 27th to 28th November 2021.
Maybe, one day, we can play an Australian Gateball Championships in Adelaide?)