Once again all CAQ Gateball players were invited to play at Caloundra from 14-16th November. This time it was their Annual Masters and Apprentices Competition. Following on from the State Championship in August, there were plenty of marquees available because 11 teams and 15 pairs of Doubles attended the three-day Tournament. With the support of Caloundra’s Club Members the courts were in great condition; catering was handled very speedily and efficiently; and there were no problems in keeping to the Covid Safe regulations. Many new players attended a Gateball competition for the first time so that was another good feature of the Tournament.
The winning team was from Rockhampton. This Club won the State Championships several months earlier- albeit with a few different members. Congratulations must go to them not least because they travelled the furtherest to arrive in Caloundra. It was a very determined and committed group. In second place was Toowoomba and Moreton Bay came third.

Rockhampton wins the Caloundra Teams Competition
The Doubles Tournament was split into two Blocks. Again, there were quite a few players who were experiencing this version of Gateball for the first time and all enjoyed themselves. So many people remarked on the delightful atmosphere that existed in the Doubles Competition. There was not much time between games. One game went to a lengthy ‘shoot out’ in order to secure a winner.
The Final was between a pair with plenty of experience- The Wanderers team consisting of Peter Sweet ( Southport) and Bruce McAlister (Ipswich) – and a new combination of experienced players- Fran Buckle (Eildon) and Robyn Brown ( Caloundra). Both teams had won their respective Block so it was a close game. The experience of the Wanderers Team prevailed. Congratulations to them and a “well done” to the runners up.

Bruce McAlister and Peter Sweet receive their First Prize from Sue Dixon, the President of Caloundra MSC.

Runners up- Robyn Brown and Fran Buckle with Sue Dixon