This last weekend featured two coaching events in the Queensland Gateball community.
On Sunday, Pine Rivers club hosted a coaching session where skills, strategy, tactics and rules were presented by State Director Barbara Northcott, ably assisted by Jim . National Coordinator, John Park, also delivered a session.
Theoretical sessions were interspersed with practical activities on the Pine Rivers’ lawns.
Barbara explaining the range of skills activities set out on the court.
Jim does strategy and tactics
On Monday, a number of CAQ coaches met with the National Coordinator at Nundah CC to participate in a workshop on a Level 2 coaching program for Gateball. This was similar to a session held at Strathfield in NSW earlier this year. Both sessions have assisted in refining ideas for a level 2 coaching program for Gateball.
The meeting was also fortunate enough to be addressed by the ACA’s newly appointed National Coordinator of Coaching, Greg Bury. After a four year hiatus, coaching is on the move again and during the first session of the day, the assembled Queensland coaches were able to listen to Greg’s ideas and to offer input to the new program. Greg’s first task has been to consult with stakeholders in each state. He is currently attempting to establish a time to meet with Sport Australia (previously the Australian Sports Commission) to ensure that the program developed meets SA requirements.
A previous article from this website was used to open consideration of what needs to be in a Level 2 program. Keith McCleod’s article, written after the 2015 Australian Championships, Gateball Tactics: What have we learned , shows the blend of skills, tactics and strategy needed if Australian teams are to win games against quality overseas teams. During the course of the day participants shared information they had gleaned from their prereading on coaching processes, skill acquisition and sport psychology. Strategy and tactics were linked with a proposed list of skills required to enact the strategy and tactics.
Greg Bury, ACA’s National Coaching Coordinator, addressing Queensland Gateball Coaches
Having qualified coaches is important for all clubs. A coaching program enables us to share information and best practice throughout our dispersed Gateball community. In an increasingly litigious era, it is also important for clubs to make sure they have coaches in place. Having a more fully developed coaching program should also make more Sport Australia services accessible to us.