Eight teams participated in the tournament with players from Newcastle, Toronto, Strathfield, Killara, Jamberoo, Lithgow and Canberra.
What a great event! Lynn’s thorough organisation and time keeping ensured a
smooth program and the many Newcastle volunteers delivered scoreboard and
kitchen duties with efficiency and humour. Oh, how I envy their luxurious clubhouse and expanse of lawns.
I thought that the standard of play and refereeing was a considerable improvement from the 2019 Nationals.
On Sunday afternoon all teams played two games to decide final positions. There were several hard fought close games. Toronto 1 were defeated by MIX (Members from Newcastle, Killara and Lithgow) 13 – 8 to decide 3rd and 4th positions. In the final CanJam (Manuel and Glenda from Jamberoo and Judy Tier from Canberra) were defeated by Lithgow 9 – 8 (John and Penny Park and Robyn Hayes.)
What a great way to kick off our 2020 gateball year.
- Winners – Robyn Hayes and Penny and John Park
- Runners up – Judy Tier and Glenda and Manuel Gutierrez
And more from Lynne Thomas ….
Luckily we chose the weekend that didn’t include a heat wave or destructive storms and our courts were able to withstand large amounts of rain.
8 teams participated with players coming from Canberra, Jamberoo, Lithgow, Toronto, Sydney and Newcastle.
Lithgow was the standout team of the carnival winning all their round robin matches but the competition for all the other places was very tight and not really decided until all matches had been played. Some teams were made up of seasoned players while others included novices as well as first time captains.
After the round robin the teams were placed into 2 groups for playoffs according to their final positions.
Lithgow, CanJam (better known as the Jam Cans or Jam Tarts), MIX (Sydney/Lithgow/Newcastle) and Toronto 1 played off for the top spot while Toronto 2, Newcastle White, Epstars and Newcastle Triple Treats played off for the lower places.
After a very close fought, strategic match Lithgow defeated CanJam by one gate to be the overall winners. Congratulations to John and Penny Park and Robyn Hayes.
Thank you to all those who participated and refereed.
A big thank you to all our club members who pitched in in many ways to make this a successful carnival.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone here again next year.
Lynne Thomas
Newcastle Gateball
It’s good effort nd great tournament..
Congratulations to Lithgow. It is good to see Manuel and Glenda playing with Judy. Well done you three. Barbara