Election Day 2016 saw the first day of Newcastle’s Gateball ‘Fun’ Weekend…so the theme was ‘elections’.
The clubhouse was decorated accordingly and the 26 entrants were divided into 5 teams and rather than choose a major party we chose obscure parties. The absentee book was signed, lunch orders were placed in the ‘House of Representatives’ box and the raffle tickets went into the ‘Senate’ box. We had a ‘scrutineer’ and a ‘tally room’. The Liberal paraphernalia was on the right hand side of the clubhouse, Labor on the left and everything else was in between.
The Arts Party were Margaret & Jan (Newcastle), Wendy (Lithgow), Greg (Killara) and Ian (Jamberoo}
Country Minded Party Kerrie, Bev & Ken (Newcastle), Chris (Hurstville) and Evan (Jamberoo)
Mature Australia Party Judy S, John & Lynne (Newcastle), John (Hurstville) and Sharlene (Jamberoo)
Pirate Party Alan & Judy N (Newcastle), Bev (Young), Clare (Epping) and Gai (Jamberoo)
Science Party Helen & Judy C (Newcastle), Reigh (Young), Ken (Epping) & Maggi (Lithgow).
John from EDSACC was a late runner and had a game with each team.
At the end of the first round the Pirates walked the plank. 1st place, Arts played 3rd place, Science while 2nd place, MAP played 4th place, Country. The final preferences were in and Arts defeated MAP in the final 11:8.
- Did somebody really call them the ‘Arty Farty Party’?
- Runners Up – Mature Australia Party
- MAP Party
Sunday was the rotating doubles and each player played 6 games. Two more players joined in; Enid from Newcastle and Malcolm from EDSACC. In previous years a ‘leader’ had won but this year a ‘learner’ was the outright winner and the only player with 6 wins. Congratulations to Chris T (Hurstville) and also to Greg (Killara) for 2nd place with 5 wins and 30 nett points. And Greg won the raffle too. The Encouragement prize was awarded to Evan (Jamberoo).
- Doubles runner up – Greg
- Always a winner
- Encouragement Prize – Evan
Thank you to all the helpers and to all players. It was a great ‘fun’ weekend.
Sorry to have missed this year’s event, however, we have enjoyed ourselves at the Beaune Open. Will post a story as soon as practical. Europe is growing apace and will be an exciting place to visit to play GB.
Well done everyone! We’re having a great time playing Gateball in France.
well done……..its good time every one
A big thank you to kerrie and Judy and the Newcastle members who put on a funtastic tournament we at jamberoo know what it’s like it very hard to do without the help of all thank you to the other teams who played great gateball and to my team who I enjoyed to play with you all played great cheers see ya next year
Thanks to everyone for a good friendly weekend