Every year, the Broadbeach Croquet Club invites players from other gateball-playing clubs in the Gold Coast Tweed region to participate in a day of gateball fun and friendship.
Sunday April 26 was the Invitation Day this year and eight Broadbeach players greeted three players from Tamborine Mountain and five from Southport. Club President Merle Neate welcomed the visitors and Keith McLeod (Vice-Captain, Gateball) introduced the day’s programme. Each player was issued with a score sheet to record the score of their team/doubles in the games played. At the conclusion of the games, the scores were totalled and divided by the number of games played to get an aggregate. Comparing the aggregates then determined the winning order.
Two courts were set: one for a teams game and the other for a doubles game.
Fran Pooley was in charge of the games and ensured that all players would get plenty of games, some teams and some doubles.
Merle and helpers put on the usual Broadbeach high standard catering for morning and afternoon tea and lunch.
At the end of the day during afternoon tea, the winning order and prizes were announced:
1st Fran Pooley ($100 gift voucher from 10Ants Jewellery)
2nd Julia Vickers ($50 gift voucher from Dear Friends restaurant)
3rd Ray Noetzel (Gift voucher for dinner for 2 at the Broadbeach Bowls Club)
Other prizes included gift vouchers for $32 from the Surf Parade Hair Salon, a gift voucher for $20 from Metro Coffee and many vouchers for a free coffee from Lolas restaurant. Everyone went home with a prize!
- Fran, Games Organiser, announcing teams
- President Merle and Vice Captain Gateball Keith
- Ray hoping for a touch, observed by Keith and Fran
- Pam about to stroke
- Enjoying morning tea
- Merle about to stroke with Margaret observing
- Ray with a good follow-through
- Keith about to stroke with Ray observing