Tournament Weather Forecast
Current weather forecasts for the tournament are mixed with a 70% chance of rain before the tournament on Thursday and possible showers during the tournament on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures will be warm, around 15 to 25 degrees on each day. Currently weather in Tokyo is warm with light clouds. The latest forecast for Niigata is below.
Latest weather updates from the Japan Meteorological Association are available at:
Australian Referees
The 2014 World Championship will see an Australian Referee Team officiating for the first time. The Australian Referee Team has been training since March including on-court refereeing of games complimented by a number of rules study sessions. Congratulations to our referees on their selection and we wish them good calls all tournament. Profiles of the referee team are below:
- Past Australian National Gateball Director
- Gateball player since 1996
- Player in the Broadbeach Gateball Team in many state and national competitions
- Member of the Australian team in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 Gateball World Championships
- International gateball referee since 2009
- Club member of Broadbeach Croquet Club and Southport Croquet Club
- Queensland State Gateball Director since 2005
- Gateball player since 2005
- Player in the Ipswich and East Brisbane Gateball Team in many state and national competitions
- Member of the Australian team at the 2010 World Gateball Championship
- International gateball referee since 2009
- Club member of Ipswich Croquet Club and East Brisbane Croquet Club
- Past president of Broadbeach Croquet Club
- Gateball player since 2007
- Player in the Broadbeach Gateball Team and referee in many state and national competitions.
- International gateball referee
- Club member of the Broadbeach Croquet Club
In addition to the media coverage for Southport and the referees (above), Glen Whitehead (Canberra) was interviewed on ABC local radio Canberra and the Raptors were featured in the Tamborine Mountain News.
Australia’s participation in the 2014 World Gateball Championship has been supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Japan Foundation.