Question: How much fun can you have on a Fun Weekend?
Answer: Lots
Newcastle held its annual gateball carnival Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July. It was a hectic and very enjoyable weekend with many players entering into the spirit of the ‘bring your beanie’ challenge.
Day 1 was the inaugural ‘pairs’ comp. Five pairs entered with some very close games played. Undefeated with 4 wins were Judy S (Newcastle) & Helen C (Toronto), closely followed by Alan G & Lynne T (both from Newcastle) with 3 wins.
Pairs Winners – Judy & Helen
Pairs Runners Up – Lynne and Alan
Day 2 began with a short referee talk on hand/arm signals presented by Judy & Kerrie. This was aimed at those wishing to become referees and also a reminder to already qualified referees.
This was followed by the team event when teams played a straight round robin. Seven teams took part from Canberra, Jamberoo, Lithgow, Newcastle Hornets, Newcastle Sabres, Sydney Epstars and Toronto. At the end of the day two teams had 5 wins each. Congratulations to Jamberoo the winners and Newcastle Sabres the runners-up.
Team Winners – Jamberoo
Team Runners Up – Newcastle Sabres
The Saturday night social dinner was enjoyed by over 20 people and the beanie theme continued with with a beanie trivia quiz which certainly taxed everyone’s minds.
Day 3 was a very relaxed and friendly rotating doubles comp which gave all the players a chance to mix and meet new people. All doubles games were self-refereed with no problems arising throughout the day, thanks to everyone’s cooperation. Each of the 24 participants played 6 games with a different partner for each game.
Three players had 5 wins each. First place went to John B (EDSACC) and 2nd to Robyn H (Lithgow). Margaret G (Newcastle) came 3rd. This year the encouragement prize was awarded to Ruth B (Strathfield).
Doubles Winner – John B
Doubles Runner Up – Robyn H
Encouragement Award – Ruth B
Full results can be seen on the Gateball Scores website
Participating teams were:
Canberra (Judy T, Adrienne F, Tony H, Peter D, Julie T & Nancy S)
Jamberoo (Manuel G, Glenda G, Graham S, Gai B & Evan B)
Lithgow (+ friends) (Maggie W, Wendy C, Robyn H, Leila M, John B & Ross I)
Newcastle Hornets (Alan G, Margaret G, Philippa R, Lynne T & Jan T)
Newcastle Sabres (Kerrie S, John S, Judy S, Brenda W & Peter W)
Sydney Epstars (Greg D, Richard T, Ken P, Ruth B & Sandra T)
Toronto (Helen C, Allan G, Rose G, Robyn I & Ruth M)

Manuel with the Best Beanie
Thank you to all participants and helpers. And extra special thanks from the competitors to all the Newcastle Club members for organising yet another very successful event.