When we were starting up our new club for Ipswich Gateball, our secretary, Karen Stokes, was searching the internet for a suitable logo. She came across a drawing of Snoopy dressed as a gateball player. We all found this quite appropriate and decided to adopt him to identify ourselves.
We were however concerned that there may have been a copyright on the drawing, so after much research, Karen located the email address of the designer. She then wrote to Julio requesting his permission to use his Snoopy. Julio was thrilled to find someone interested in his Snoopy and gave us his permission on the proviso that we send him a photo of our team in our new uniforms. Imagine our surprise when we discovered Julio and his wife are Gateball players in Peru and Julio has his own blog. We sent Julio a photo after the first competition we played in wearing our uniforms. We were surprised and thrilled when Julio sent us back a copy of Snoopy now dressed in our new Ipswich Gateball Club colours!
We thank Julio for all is help.
Here is Julio’s story on how Snoopy was originally created –
I knew that Cindy (my wife) had always loved Snoopy. At the end of 2013 I started to play gateball and I loved this game! One day I was searching for a Snoopy picture playing gateball to surprise Cindy. After several attempts I gave up and decided to create it, and then I posted the picture on the web. She really loved it.
Some months later I received an email from Karen Stokes (from Australia! Wow!) asking permission to use the Snoopy picture as their logo (it was amazing!). Maybe you didn’t notice, but I was very proud and happy. I am an industrial engineer, not a designer but I always liked to draw since childhood. It was like winning an Oscar.
I wish Ipswich Gateball Club the best of wishes also a lot of Tacchis(touches), Tsukas (gates) and Agaris (goal poles).
Finally, thank you for letting me be part of your history.
Your friend in Peru.