On the 1st & 2nd June Ipswich Gateball Club held our annual competition.

We had a very successful event and once again had a maximum of 10 teams competing. This enabled us to have two full days of team competition. Our grounds are very fast as we play at the local North Ipswich Bowls Club. This always proves to be a challenge for a lot of our players especially if it is their first experience with a bowls club surface.
We are a small club and it was a pleasure to welcome so many teams and have the club house filled with happy gateballers. We thank them all for their support.
The winning team this year was Redcliffe Roses with 7 wins out of 9 and we congratulate them on a fine effort. Coming in second place was our own Ipswich Team again with 7 wins. Our patron Cheryl Bromage presented the awards to both teams. All teams achieved at least one win each.
We usually try to do things a little differently in Ipswich and attempt to make our events all inclusive and this proves to be a successful formula. Each year we give an encouragement award or mystery prize. This is our way of saying thank you to the many teams competing, because without them we wouldn’t be able to hold such a successful event. This year we had five young players across the teams. Most of these young people have not been playing long, so we decided to divide our encouragement award between them. We hope that they will continue to enjoy the game as they become more proficient.
Our thanks as always must go to our volunteers who do such a magnificent job of catering for us over the two days. We also thank all teams for competing and helping to make the competition the success that it was.

Thank you to the Tournament Manager, Adele Stokes, for writing this report.
We always enjoy playing at Ipswich. We were delighted when we also won 7 of the 9 games. Especially when we usually go out all the time.
As usual we enjoy ….