Queensland State Gateball Doubles Championship

Date(s) - 21/09/2013 - 22/09/2013
All Day

Toowoomba CC


Entries To: Lesley Kavanagh

CAQ Event Coordinator

PO Box 2062

Bundaberg Q 4670 Ph: (07) 4159 9513

email: tourn@croquetqld.org

Message from the Queensland Director of Gateball:

The 2013 SGDC is to be hosted by Toowoomba Croquet Club 21 & 22 September, 2013.

Please find attached the CAQ 2013 SGDC Flyer.

Please find attached the 2013 SGDC Flyer Cover.

Please find attached the CAQ 2013 SGDC Entry Form.  Please Note the Closing Date (Monday 19 August, 2013) for the Entry Form which is to be received by the CAQ Events Coordinator:  Lesley Kavanagh.  The original closing date as per the CAQ Events Calander was 16 August, 2013 please note change of date.  When you have sent your entry form and payment in please send an email to the CAQ Events Coordinator and the Gateball Director informing them that your entry has been sent as this lets both of them of know that you have entered just in case your entry form has been mislaid or lost in the mail system.

Preferred payment method is EFT.  If paying by cheque please forward the cheque to the CAQ Events Coordinator.

CAQ have introduced a code system for payments for all CAQ events, the code to be used for the SGTC is 8732It is preferred that EFT be utilised for payment of the entry fee rather than cheque or any other method of payment.

When the entry form and fee is submitted to the appropriate person please advise Gateball Director of these facts by forwarding an email to Gateball Director.

Please advise the Gateball Director of the names of the players in your Doubles’ pairing by Friday 6 September, 2013.  The names are required so as to conduct registration and financial membership checks as well as to be included in the program as participating in the event.

Lunch will be available for purchase on a pre-order basis from Toowoomba Croquet Club, and please return your completed catering order form to Toowoomba Croquet Club by Monday 19 August, 2013 .  I encourage you to support the Toowoomba Croquet Club by ordering your catering requirements through them.  However, I do appreciate that because of certain dietry requirements some people will need to bring their own food.

Please find attached CAQ Gateball Player Registration & NOK Details Form SGDC, this form is to be completed so as to allow player registration confirmation checks to be conducted as per the CAQ “Policy of Play for Gateball” document.  The completed form is to be emailed to the Gateball Director by Friday 6 September, 2013.

Please find attached Team Member Contact Details Form, this form is to be completed prior to the commencement of the event and handed on arrival to the Venue Manager prior to the commencement of play.

Once all the double nominations have been recieved, the public draw will be conducted and the schedule of play developed, I shall inform all those players (with an email contact) of the actual time for registration, opening time and commencement time for play.  It is hoped that the program will be sent out to all players involved prior to the event, there is no requirement to print hard copies for the players as a colour hard copy will be available for them on arrival (registration) at Toowoomba.

If your Club or the Secretary doesn’t have a current copy (version 1.0 dated 6 May, 2011) of the ” CAQ Policy of Play for Gateball” document please advise me and I shall forward a copy to you.

The Venue Manager shall use the “Tournament Venue Manager Information Gateball” guide document to conduct the event.

All refereeing decisions are to be resolved by the Chief Referee of that particular game, the 2011 WGU Gateball Rules changed the rule about ‘Time Out’, it no longer exists in the current rules, therefore the Tournament Referee CAN NOT be called or be involved with a decision during the game, stopages during the game to question or clarify a rule or a referee’s decision is part of the game time (within the 30 minutes) and the clock doesn’t stop.  You can consult the Tournament Referee after the game has finished.

Recorders need to complete the Gateball Record Sheet completely and correctly so that the information contained within can be utilised to conduct a thorough analysis, as well as indicate whether the team that won the toss won the game, how many rounds per game, last player number to play, etc.




Bruce McAlister

Gateball Director, Queensland

0417 611 477


Accommodation list

Entry form

Player registration form

Team member contact details

Catering form


Flyer cover
