Saturday’s program saw the first few rounds of the teams event and the doubles finals.
At the end of the day, the Macs from NSW were leading pool A with 4 wins while following close behind were Moreton Bay and Southport Red with three wins apiece. In pool B, Canberra Mavericks and Kew share the lead on 4 wins apiece.
The doubles semifinals and finals saw quality games. The final was between Glen and Kristina Whitehead of Canberra and the Macs pairing of David Hughes and Ruth Mulvaney. David described their game as follows:
“In a game which saw two doubles pairings soldier through the knockout stages, the final game was a clash of skill and fierce tactics which came down to the final shot. In what could be considered a game of who could keep control of Gate 2 longer, Glen and Kristina assumed control early, only to lose control soon after from a bit of luck (thanks to the lawn) with a long touch. The middle stages of the game were a see saw affair and required us to keep our focus and cool in order to maintain control and solidify our line 2 strategy in front of Gate 2. As always when playing such high quality opposition in Glen and Kristina, the game was a thrill and Ruth and I were lucky to escape and hold on to win the inaugural Australian doubles championship.”
While Glen and Kristina’s view was:
Kristina and I had a good start winning the toss and getting ball 1 in front of gate 2. However, two long shots by David, one early and one late, kept us at bay. On our last turn we had a chance to put 5 on the goal pole and equal the scores but we also needed 6 off the court, as it had a certain gate 2 on the final turn. We weren’t able to quite make the bombard. Congratulations to Ruth and David on winning a very enjoyable final.
Spectators ageed it was a thrilling game!

Thanks for the update. I am thinking of all my Gateball friends. Happy and competitive games ahead.
Well done to all players