If you attended or were involved with the Australian Gateball Championship we are keen to have your feedback for future planning. Responses to be emailed to info@gateball.com.au. Respond to as much or as little as you wish. Identify any other issues. Club responses are welcome too if this is the easiest way to do it.
Date setting
What impact did the late date announcement have on the event, as far as you were concerned?
Was the month of the event a suitable one? If not, which month would be better for future nationals?
Planning and organisation
If you played any direct role or performed any support tasks, what were they? Any suggested improvements?
Any general comment from others not directly involved is welcome.
Publicity & event information
What local publicity did clubs manage to generate about their entry in the event?
How useful were the model press releases circulated by the Event Manager?
Any ideas for improving publicity for future national events?
Any comments on event information sent to clubs or distributed at the event?
Anything else?
Friday Practice Day
What did you get out of the workshops (Website + Gateball Scores, Tricia Vierra and the ACA, Coaching)
Comment on the usefulness of the meeting for Team Managers, Referees and Captains.
How suitable was the timing of events during the day?
Comment on the structure of the practice sessions (ie mix of individual practice, informal games and unallocated courts)
Please comment on the photo competition
Host club & venue
Food – lunch & all day refreshment – please comment on quality and/or cost.
Dinner. Did you attend? Comment on the venue or other issues?
Please comment on courts and equipment provided
Shelter and seating – please comment.
Welcome received
How welcome did you feel?
How can we improve the welcome and hospitality for international teams?
Any other comments
Opening and Closing Ceremony
Please comment.
Standards for Australian Gateball
Are our playing standards improving?
How can we improve our competitiveness against quality overseas teams?
How well did we officiate? How can we improve our standards?
Volunteering in future events
How could you contribute to the organisation and running of future events?
While responding, please also feel free to identify any issues you believe are important for Gateball Australia to address.

its feeling good to see the gateball match…i always touch wt gateball….but i was not part of this championship ……but i check the score point table…time to time….i want to give congrate to winnig team chanchong…….and also the management of this tounament…………thank u
I am looking at your website (http://gateball.com.au/?p=2933) and noticed quite a few things that could be improved.
Would you be interested in having a chat about re-designing it?
If you’re interested, please get back to me with the best phone number to reach you on and the most convenient time for you.
Kind Regards,
Daniel Collins